What is orthokeratology?
Ortho-K is a therapy in which the patient wears a rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens overnight while sleeping. The lens gently displaces the water within the cornea to change the shape to allow for clear vision. This effect allows the patient to remove the lenses upon wakening and experience clear vision throughout the entire day without the use of glasses or disposable contact lenses. Ortho-K also has the added benefit of Myopia Management. This is the practice of controlling the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children by up to 60%. This is an especially important consideration for myopic patients between the ages of 8-12 when the disease can progress rather quickly. There is no age restriction for ortho-k, but it is typically fit in patients over the age of 6. Frequently, adults take advantage of ortho-k as an alternative to LASIK surgery. The advantages of ortho-k over LASIk are that it is temporary and reversible if desired, it is less costly, and there are no risks with that associated with eye surgery.
Who can prescribe an ortho-k treatment?
An optometrist must go through specialty training to become certified in fitting ortho-k lenses. These are unlike any other contact lens on the market and require expertise and customization for each individual eye. An orthokeratologist will not only pay attention to correcting your vision as clearly as possible, they will do so in a way that gives you the best chance of decreasing the rate of myopia (nearsightnedness) progression. Myopia Management or Myopia Control is now at the forefront of visual correction, especially for children ages 8-12 when myopia begins progressing at the fastest rate.
Is ortho-k safe?
Ortho-K is a very safe therapy, as the lenses are intended to be worn while sleeping. Gas Permeable contacts are named this because of the excellent oxygen permeability. The chances of infection with any contact lens are negated by proper lens care and hand hygiene and that risk is no greater with ortho-k compared to other reusable contact lenses.
How long do ortho-k lenses last?
The lenses themselves are reusable and meant to last the entire year. It is best to replace the set with new lenses yearly, but if they are maintained well and do not develop scratches or cracks, the lenses can last years.
How long does it take to see clearly after starting ortho-k?
The answer is dependent on the person, but you can typically expect clear vision lasting all day by the end of the first week. The quality and sharpness of the vision will likely continue to improve over the first 1-2 months. Children's corneas are more malleable than adults, resulting in faster onset of treatment that does not regress as quickly. Also, the higher the starting prescription the longer it will take the treatment to take full effect. In general, on day 1 we are expecting a 50% reduction in the prescription which may only last a few hours. Over the next few days the treatment will become closer and closer to a full elimination of the prescription and lasts longer and longer each day. During this transition phase, patients can use old glasses that may have a lesser prescription or temporary soft contacts provided by the office.
In other words, an 8 year old that starts at a -1.00 will feel that the vision is perfect all day by the second or third day. A 38 year old that starts at -5.50 will take at least one week to experience the full treatment that lasts all day. During that transition phase, patients may experience shadows and halos in the vision which improve throughout the first couple of months.
In other words, an 8 year old that starts at a -1.00 will feel that the vision is perfect all day by the second or third day. A 38 year old that starts at -5.50 will take at least one week to experience the full treatment that lasts all day. During that transition phase, patients may experience shadows and halos in the vision which improve throughout the first couple of months.
How much does ortho-k cost?
Our global fee includes all visits during the first year including: consultation, diagnostic testing, insertion & removal training, 1 day, 1 week, 3 week, 3 month, and 6 month follow-ups. This also includes 2 pairs of the lenses, which means that you have an identical spare pair for if a lens is lost or broken. This one time fee is $2,950. Yearly after that the fee for the assessment and unlimited follow-ups along with a new pair of lenses is only $850. If you have previously worn ortho-k and are transferring care from another provider, the initial fee is $1,250, which includes one pair of lenses, then down to $850 in the subsequent follow-up years. The therapy is a commitment initially, but results in long term savings compared to daily disposable soft contacts and glasses. See the information sheet attached below.
If replacement lenses are needed they can be ordered at $198 each lens. All future pricing is subject to change at any time.
If replacement lenses are needed they can be ordered at $198 each lens. All future pricing is subject to change at any time.
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